
May 20, 2009

ARCHIVE 8/22/08: Randy Orton’s … Motorcycle Accident (Wink, Wink)

Last September this blog ran a controversial report on what I speculated was a suicide attempt by World Wrestling Entertainment’s Randy Orton. By any name, the incident in 2006 illuminated lifestyle and WWE drug-testing issues that were pertinent in the wake of the Chris Benoit rampage of June 2007. Now Orton, married and a new father, is said to have had a motorcycle accident, reinjuring a broken collarbone that has been keeping him out of action.
May 20, 2009

ARCHIVE 9/25/08: Benoit Wikipedia Hacker Video Dispute: What Is Stamford PD’s Defense?

The ombudsman assigned to my complaint before the Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission told me that the Stamford Police Department and its advocate, Michael Toma of the city attorney’s office, believe there is a court case supporting their contention that the “Benoit Wikipedia hacker” interrogation video is exempt under the state Freedom of Information Act.
May 20, 2009

ARCHIVE 10/10/08: Preview of Stamford PD’s ‘Benoit Wikipedia Hacker’ Defense Before Connecticut FOI Commission

The corporation counsel’s office in the City of Stamford has kindly shared with me the case it intends to cite in defending my complaint to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission over the Stamford Police Department’s refusal to release the video of the June 2007 interrogation of “Benoit Wikipedia hacker” Matthew Greenberg.
Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick