
July 26, 2010

Vince McMahon Talks to Hearst

“InVincible: WWE Boss McMahon sits down for a chat” by Brian Lockhart While in Connecticut for my March book tour, I heard that Vince (Mr. […]
July 27, 2010

Latest on NFL Concussion Policies

“N.F.L. Asserts Greater Risks of Head Injury” Alan Schwarz, The New York Times What makes Schwarz’s reporting on this subject so valuable is that The […]
July 27, 2010

Letter From a Lawyer And My Reply

Email to John C. Hegarty <> Dear Mr. Hegarty: I just received the message below, with your name but from the email address <>. I am […]
July 28, 2010

Missy Hyatt on Dawn Marie

Below is a statement Missy Hyatt, another former wrestling personality, issued about the Wrestlers Rescue controversy. Irv Muchnick *************** I hate how so many people jumped […]
Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick