
May 18, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/4/08: Benoit Lost Voicemail Is Fishy: Evidence Expert

My probe of the mystery of Chris Benoit’s missing cell phone voicemail — which I think leads to overall credibility questions about the closing report on the Benoit double murder/suicide by the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office — took me to an expert in the field, Kevin Ripa of Computer Evidence Recovery, a firm specializing in information technology investigations and data recovery.
May 19, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/5/08: Benoit Voicemail Scandal — Complete Rundown

It’s just about time to move on to fresher aspects of the Chris Benoit investigation. But first let’s fully review the scandal of the missing cell phone voicemail. No one out there – not Fayette County officials, not the Atlanta area media, not wrestling newsletters and news websites – should have the excuse that they don’t know what this is about.
May 19, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/8/08: Back to Daniel Benoit and Fragile X Syndrome

A subject of great sensitivity — yet one I remain convinced is another of those contributory factors in the full story of the Chris Benoit double murder/suicide — is the medical condition of Chris and Nancy’s seven-year-old son Daniel.
Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick