A Twitter Exchange on the Timeline of USA Swimming Sex Abuse Story

2015 Reset: Does Outside Magazine’s USA Swimming Sex Abuse Article Mean Real Accountability Is at Hand?
January 8, 2015
2015 Reset: Muchnick-Joyce Interview With Outside Magazine
January 9, 2015
2015 Reset: Does Outside Magazine’s USA Swimming Sex Abuse Article Mean Real Accountability Is at Hand?
January 8, 2015
2015 Reset: Muchnick-Joyce Interview With Outside Magazine
January 9, 2015

Continuing 2015 Reset series: “Congressman Asks FBI ‘Fully Investigate @USASwimming‘s Handling of Child Sex Abuse'” https://concussioninc.net/?p=9765

Is there a timeline of this issue, dating to 1st outcry by swimmers thru feds deal-in? Would luv 2 see; @irvmuch @USASwimming @poolcar4

@Investigate_CPS For the @USASwimming sex abuse timeline, follow our current “reset” series and upcoming topical links. Some highlights: …

@Investigate_CPS … 2010: ABC’s 20/20 busts swimming. Lawsuits multiply. @USASwimming sets up sham Safe Sport program….

@Investigate_CPS … 2012: Tim Joyce and I begin in-depth, follow-through reporting. Rick Curl cover-up crumbles….

@Investigate_CPS … 2013: Congressman Miller requests GAO probe. Swimming steps up lobbying; $200,000 campaign to “improve perceptions”…

@Investigate_CPS … 2014: “Independent” Vieth report says Safe Sport swell. Victims’ petition blocks swim CEO Wielgus from Hall of Fame….

@Investigate_CPS … Congressman Miller asks FBI intervention (actually already involved — subpoenaed 1,000s pages lawsuit discovery)….

@Investigate_CPS … USOC announces funding for systemwide “independent” sex police agency (note many iterations of the word “independent”).

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick