‘Article in New Issue of Outside Magazine Boosts Fed Investigations of USA Swimming’ … today at Beyond Chron

Nancy Hogshead-Makar’s New Advocacy Group, Champion Women, a Welcome Voice in the Fight to Hold USA Swimming Accountable
November 7, 2014
Outside Magazine Article on USA Swimming Sex Abuse Now Online
November 11, 2014
Nancy Hogshead-Makar’s New Advocacy Group, Champion Women, a Welcome Voice in the Fight to Hold USA Swimming Accountable
November 7, 2014
Outside Magazine Article on USA Swimming Sex Abuse Now Online
November 11, 2014

by Irvin Muchnick


The most undercovered scandal in sports is the widespread sexual abuse of untold hundreds of early- and mid-teen female swimmers by untold scores of coaches. Money- and image-obsessed USA Swimming, the national governing body under the umbrella of the U.S. Olympic Committee, has been covering up these practices for decades. White-collar criminal accounting and oversight fixes remain a length and a half behind the public’s uninformed indifference.

That may be changing with a 15-page article by writer Rachel Sturtz in the December issue ofOutsidemagazine, which hits newsstands today. It is the best hope in years for getting this multi-generational, Catholic Church-scale national disgrace the attention it deserves, and for spurring investigations set in motion over the summer by retiring Congressman George Miller of California’s 11th District and several offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


CONTINUED TODAY athttp://www.beyondchron.org/fed-investigations-usa-swimming-sexual-abuse-boosted-article-outside-magazine/

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick