Closing the Loop: 49ers President Took No Questions on Domestic Violence at Santa Clara Sports Law Symposium

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by Irvin Muchnick


As noted in Thursday’s post, in the course of shadowing Travis Tygart, I did not hear the keynote speech at the Santa Clara Sports Law Symposium by the president of the San Francisco 49ers, or its aftermath. Today’s excellent column by Ann Killion of the San Francisco Chronicle, “Stadium debut not focal point with spotlight on NFL violence,”, fills in the spaces:


“Last week, 49ers President Paraag Marathe was the keynote speaker at a Santa Clara University symposium on Sports Law and Ethics. Though it would seem to have been a perfect risk-free setting to take a proactive stance on the issue that has consumed the nation’s attention, Marathe announced that he would not take any questions on domestic violence. [Santa Clara University] athletic director Dan Coonan tweeted, ‘Missed opportunity.'”

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick