Ex-Flack For USADA’s Travis Tygart Trolls Concussion Inc. Following Questions About Tygart’s Previous Work on Sexual Abuse Cases As a Lawyer For USA Swimming

Olympic Anti-Doping Chief Tygart Investigated Fugitive Sex Abuser Coach For USA Swimming; Ban Not Announced For 8 Years And He’s Probably Still Coaching in Venezuela
September 4, 2014
Making the Cyberspace Rounds: A New Travis Tygart / USA Swimming Sexual Abuse Meme
September 9, 2014
Olympic Anti-Doping Chief Tygart Investigated Fugitive Sex Abuser Coach For USA Swimming; Ban Not Announced For 8 Years And He’s Probably Still Coaching in Venezuela
September 4, 2014
Making the Cyberspace Rounds: A New Travis Tygart / USA Swimming Sexual Abuse Meme
September 9, 2014



EXCLUSIVE: Travis Tygart, Head of Olympic Anti-Doping Agency, Investigated Sexual Abuse Cases For USA Swimming

Published September 3rd, 2014

Olympic Anti-Doping Chief Tygart Investigated Fugitive Sex Abuser Coach For USA Swimming; Ban Not Announced For 8 Years And He’s Probably Still Coaching in Venezuela

Published September 4th, 2014


The exchange below is self-explanatory.


FAX to Mr. Nick Esares

Communications / Marketing

Yampa Valley Medical Center

Steamboat Springs, CO


Mr. Esares:

Thank youfortweeting me at 4:50 p.m. on September 5: “somewhat of an odd reach here to try and tie the two for a series of articles.”

“The two” to which you referred were Travis Tygart’s experience as an attorney for USA Swimming in many complaints of members’ sexual abuse, and his current role as CEO of USADA.

I accepted the opportunity to engage in dialogue, explained that I had specific relevant documentation, and invited you to get back to me by email to elucidate your argument. (In Concussion Inc.’s series of more developed articles, of course, we explain that this is all pertinent, among other reasons, because USADA is the model of USOC’s promised abuse investigative agency, and because Congress and federal prosecutors are probing USA Swimming.) Unfortunately, you did not respond.

I now see that your previous job was communications director for USADA — which leads to the following questions for publication (deadline is noon Mountain Time):

* Please respond in substance as to why you consider “somewhat of an odd reach” the attempt to discuss with Mr. Tygart the serious issue of sexual abuse in amateur sports.

* Did your USADA successor, Annie Skinner, or Mr. Tygart himself, put you up to this tweet? Or are you trolling me on your own?

Thank you for your time. Since I can’t locate an email for you, I am sending a copy of this note to your Facebook account. I also am cc’ing Ms. Skinner.

Irvin Muchnick


From:Annie Skinner

To:Irvin Muchnick
Sent:Monday, September 8, 2014 11:31 AM
Subject:Re: FAX to Nick Esares, Communications Director


The following information from me is off the record:

Nick no longer works at USADA and we have not spoken about you or your blog and we certainly did not ask him to tweet you. Obviously, when you tweet a baseless article as you did those who know your information is inaccurate may have the courage to call you out on it. They have every right to do so.


Annie Skinner


From:Irvin Muchnick

To:Annie Skinner
Sent:Monday, September 8, 2014 11:35 AM
Subject:Re: FAX to Nick Esares, Communications Director

Sorry, your email is not off the record.

Comments are closed.

Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick