How the New Florida and Maryland Swim Coach Sex Abuse Cases Can Do More Than Add to the Din

Muchnick Exchange With Fort Lauderdale Counsel: ‘Claim That Further Alex Pussieldi Documents Don’t Exist Is an Embarrassment’
May 1, 2014
11 Open Questions About USA Swimming Human Trafficker Coach Alex Pussieldi
May 2, 2014
Muchnick Exchange With Fort Lauderdale Counsel: ‘Claim That Further Alex Pussieldi Documents Don’t Exist Is an Embarrassment’
May 1, 2014
11 Open Questions About USA Swimming Human Trafficker Coach Alex Pussieldi
May 2, 2014

by Irvin Muchnick


While zeroing in on Alex Pussieldi and Fort Lauderdale, we can’t lose sight of the sheer ongoing national volume of cases of youth swim coach sex abuse. A week ago we called attention to the arrests of Joey Diaz in Florida and Christopher Thomas Huott in Maryland. Here’s more on why they’re important.

In Diaz’s case, it’s the breadth of his unchecked misconduct. Within hours of his release on bond, more victims emerged with new charges. There appear to be as many as seven victims.

In Huott’s case, it’s the rule of real estate: location, location, location. His bust is in Montgomery County, the same jurisdiction where USA Swimming’s quarter-century cover-up of Rick Curl’s abuse of Kelley Davies unraveled. That led to the call of the swimmer-victim, now named Kelley Currin, for Congressional intervention, and it was heeded last summer by Congressman George Miller and his staff at the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.

If Huott is a sign that Montgomery County is getting serious and systematic about old cases, remember that the county courthouse in Maryland is barely a half hour’s drive from Capitol Hill.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick