Fort Lauderdale Police: We Were Not Involved in Child Porn and Minor Solicitation Bust of Pine Crest Swim Coach and Alex Pussieldi Colleague Roberto Caragol

Dear St. Thomas Aquinas Swim Coach Martin Grady: Please Clarify Your Defense of Alex Pussieldi
March 31, 2014
Why Did FBI Not Explore Alex Pussieldi Connections While Busting Pine Crest School Swim Coach Roberto Caragol?
April 1, 2014
Dear St. Thomas Aquinas Swim Coach Martin Grady: Please Clarify Your Defense of Alex Pussieldi
March 31, 2014
Why Did FBI Not Explore Alex Pussieldi Connections While Busting Pine Crest School Swim Coach Roberto Caragol?
April 1, 2014

by Irvin Muchnick


We learned several important new pieces of information today from Detective DeAnna Greenlaw of Fort Lauderdale police media relations:

  • “Our agency did not participate in the case regarding Roberto Caragol,” Greenlaw said. Caragol, a fellow swimming coach with Alex Pussieldi at Pine Crest School, was arrested and convicted on charges of child pornography and sex with minors following a 2008 investigation by the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force for the Southern District of Florida – a multi-agency effort coordinated by the North Miami office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. More shortly on this story.
  • Following the disposition of the 2004 assault and battery claim against Pussieldi by one of his swimmers, other allegations were reviewed by detectives of the Special Victims Unit, who “determined there was a lack of probable cause for an arrest.” The Fort Lauderdale police now are retrieving that report in response to our new public records request for it.
  • Regarding the misleading 2004 statement by Sergeant Richard Herbert that Pussieldi is “a coach overseas now,” the police spokesperson said, “Our agency cannot comment on a statement made by a former employee in an email.”


Complete links to Concussion Inc.’s Pussieldi investigation are at

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick