Congressman Mike Honda: ‘I Support and Stand By Congressman Miller’s Work’ on Sex Abuse in Swimming

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Congressman Mike Honda, whose district was probably the first in which famed swim coach Mitch Ivey’s long-running sexual abuse occurred, has issued a statement supporting the federal investigations of youth athletics that are being spurred by George Miller, another U.S. representative from California.

Honda becomes the third member of Congress to speak out explicitly about the probes of USA Swimming — joining Miller and Suzanne Bonamici of Oregon, one of Miller’s colleagues on the Education and the Workforce Committee.

Here is Honda’s full statement, which is also viewable at

Protecting our children from sexual abuse


Calling for federal investigation into youth athletic clubs

Child abuse of any measure is simply wrong. That is why I am appalled by the reports of child sexual abuse of student athletes by their coaches during these students’ participation in public and private swim clubs. I understand the case of the former coach, Mitch Ivey, who taught at the Santa Clara Swim Club, was a two-time Olympic medalist, and who recently received a lifetime coaching ban – is pending an appeal period. Therefore, I would simply add that sexual misconduct has no place anywhere. I support and stand by my colleague, Congressman George Miller – Ranking Member of the House Education and Workforce Committee – in his inquiry to the U.S. Government Accountability Office to investigate youth athletic clubs’ handling of child abuse allegations, specifically regarding the reporting and investigating laws and policies. According to the African proverb, it takes a village to raise to child; and so, it must take a village, or an entire community, to protect that child. As a father and a grandfather, I will continue to fight to protect the sacred innocence of our children everywhere.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick