Two Reactions to USA Swimming Chief Chuck Wielgus’ ‘We Called Congress, They Didn’t Call Us’ Blarney

Forget the NFL’s Dud of a Settlement — The Story Is the Slow Death of Public Football
August 30, 2013
Orange County Register: ‘USA Swimming works to contain sex-abuse scandals’
August 31, 2013
Forget the NFL’s Dud of a Settlement — The Story Is the Slow Death of Public Football
August 30, 2013
Orange County Register: ‘USA Swimming works to contain sex-abuse scandals’
August 31, 2013

by Irvin Muchnick


From the mother of a swimming sexual abuse victim:

“Ask good ol” Chucky if he would invite parents and swimmers, currently involved in arbitration, or past parents and swimmers who have participated with Big Swim, to meet with Congressman Miller so that the meeting is truly impartial, instructive, and beneficial. Ask Mr. Wielgus to pony up to that sort of meeting. Let your readers know that some families and swimmers would be delighted to pay their own way to such a meeting. Then and only then will these meetings be balanced, fair, impartial, factual, and instructive.”

From swimmer-blogger Tony Austin:

“Did USA Swimming Executive Director Chuck Wielgus just start a ‘food fight’ with the press and swim bloggers?”,

(Austin misspells my name — a common plague — and fails to give due credit to my collaborator, Tim Joyce.)

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick