House Education and the Workforce Staff Reaffirms That Congressman George Miller Is Going the Distance on the USA Swimming Sex Abuse Scandal

Concussion Inc.’s Tim Joyce at The Hill on Congress and USA Swimming Sex Abuse
August 28, 2013
USA Swimming Chief and ‘Personal Blogger’ Chuck Wielgus Assures One and All That the Congressional Investigation of His Organization Ain’t No Big Thing
August 30, 2013
Concussion Inc.’s Tim Joyce at The Hill on Congress and USA Swimming Sex Abuse
August 28, 2013
USA Swimming Chief and ‘Personal Blogger’ Chuck Wielgus Assures One and All That the Congressional Investigation of His Organization Ain’t No Big Thing
August 30, 2013

by Irvin Muchnick


“We had a productive meeting yesterday with USA Swimming and the U.S. Olympic Committee,” a member of Congressman George Miller’s staff on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce told Concussion Inc.

“There is still a lot to learn. This is the beginning of a conversation, beginning of efforts, and we’re going to be talking to lots of people. USAS understands that we’re taking it seriously. Key questions and issues need to be addressed. They agreed to be responsive to inquiries. They will be cooperative with our inquiry.

“The Government Accountability Office request is only one piece of this. All options are on the table. Miller has a long history of thorough examination of protecting children’s safety, wherever children are. That should be an indication of how Miller’s office will approach this issue.”

The reference to the GAO was accompanied by my colleague Tim Joyce’s request for comment on the status of the investigation Miller requested from it in June — the step that prompted yesterday’s first meeting between his staff and swimming and Olympics officials. Chuck Young, managing director of public affairs for the GAO, told us, “[D]iscussions about the scope and methodology of the work are still underway and no timeline will be set until those are determined.”

The wheels of the Washington bureaucracy turn. All indications at this point are that Congressman Miller and his people are well informed and prepared to take this investigation where it needs to go.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick