EXCLUSIVE: University of Utah Under Investigation by Department of Education For Its Handling of Complaints About Swim Coach Greg Winslow’s Abuse

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Concussion Inc. has learned that the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights last month formally opened an investigation of the scandal surrounding the abuse of student-athletes by now-fired University of Utah swim coach Greg Winslow, and the retaliation by Winslow and the university against those who complained about it.

Utah spokesman Keith Sterling said in an email, “As the independent investigation is still underway, we do not believe it is appropriate to comment.”

The “independent investigation” refers to a probe, now in its fourth month, commissioned by the Utes’ own board of trustees.

Families of Winslow victims are furious at the slow pace of the “independent investigation” and the onerous interview ground rules being demanded by the university’s lawyers. The families are also concerned that, after slowing the Winslow media narrative to a crawl, Utah will proceed to try to wrap it up by releasing a report that doesn’t include the input of many witnesses with first-hand knowledge.

Next here: Matt Fiascone — father of whistleblower former Utah swimmer Austin Fiascone — releases the findings of his own “independent investigation.” And they are devastating.


Irv Muchnick


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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick