ARCHIVE 1/5/09: How Vince McMahon Outfoxed Congress … at SLAM! Wrestling

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ARCHIVE 1/3/09: House Committee Report on Wrestling, Drugs, Death — A Day Late and a Dollar Short
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ARCHIVE 1/5/09: When Vince McMahon Stole Frank Deford’s Shoes
May 20, 2009

How Vince McMahon Outfoxed Congress … at SLAM! Wrestling

Monday, January 5th, 2009

Last year, as two separate committees of the United States Congress bore down on World Wrestling Entertainment in the wake of the Chris Benoit disaster, Stephanie McMahon Levesque addressed the wrestlers backstage and confidently assured them that her dad would easily handle the heat. Indeed, Steph said, Vince would show up at a televised hearing in a clown wig.

The release last Friday of a report by Congressman Henry Waxman, the outgoing chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has proven Stephanie right. Once again, Vincent Kennedy McMahon fought the law, and the law lost.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick