Baltimore Sun Does the Louis Lowenthal Autopsy Once Over Lightly

Full Text of Maryland Statute on Public Pool Lifeguard Requirements
February 13, 2013
Tony Austin: ‘Drowning Is Not a “Peaceful” Way to Pass’
February 14, 2013
Full Text of Maryland Statute on Public Pool Lifeguard Requirements
February 13, 2013
Tony Austin: ‘Drowning Is Not a “Peaceful” Way to Pass’
February 14, 2013

The Baltimore Sun today gives dog-bites-man treatment to the release of the autopsy report on North Baltimore Aquatic Club swimmer Louis Lowenthal. See “Towson teen swimmer’s death was accidental, autopsy shows,”,0,229305.story.

It is impossible to tell if the Sun is playing catch-up with this blog’s coverage, or if its reporter simply got a long-ago-ordered copy of the report a day later. The headline is a month-old finding of the manner of death, and the story adds ritual no-comments from principals. There is no analysis beyond repeating last October’s news that “information about [Lowenthal’s] condition was scarce” after he was pulled from the Meadowbrook Aquatic Center pool.

Let’s see how scarce that information remains for Sunreaders.

And in other news, Michael Phelps has signed on for a new series on the Golf Channel.


Irv Muchnick

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick