Baltimore County Police Now Searching for USA Swimming’s 2010 Letter About Sex Abuse Allegation That Led to Departure of North Baltimore Aquatic Club’s Hall of Fame Coach

Complete Links to ConcussionInc.’s Coverage of Sex Abuse Scandal at Michael Phelps’ North Baltimore Aquatic Club
October 22, 2012
Police Account of Processing of Sex Abuse Allegations at Michael Phelps’ Baltimore Swim Club Is As Skimpy As a Speedo Bikini
October 23, 2012
Complete Links to ConcussionInc.’s Coverage of Sex Abuse Scandal at Michael Phelps’ North Baltimore Aquatic Club
October 22, 2012
Police Account of Processing of Sex Abuse Allegations at Michael Phelps’ Baltimore Swim Club Is As Skimpy As a Speedo Bikini
October 23, 2012

Earlier today the Baltimore County Police Department told me that “there are no documents to release” on the information that a former North Baltimore Aquatic Club swimmer had complained of being molested by a coach, “because no police reports were generated.”

I demurred, noting that the freedom of information statute in Maryland covers “documentary material in any form created or received by an agency in connection with the transaction of public business.” On that basis, I requested a copy of USA Swimming’s 2010 letter to the police.

Corporal Cathleen Batton, the police spokeswoman, then emailed, “The precinct commanders are currently reviewing their files to see if the original letter, which was received nearly two years ago, was retained. Due to the length of time that has passed, we may no longer have it.”

A year after the letter, the coach in question, International Swimming Hall of Famer Murray Stephens, quietly left the club he had founded before selling it to Michael Phelps and his coach, Bob Bowman. Regardless of whether the Baltimore County police turn up the letter, this blog will be pursuing the truth of what happened to this alleged victim and to other girl athletes at one of the crown jewels of American age-group swimming.


Irv Muchnick

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick