Great Moments on Twitter

‘Courts Must Toughen Sanctions Against USA Swimming’s Nose-Thumbing Tactics in Sex Abuse Litigation’ … today at Beyond Chron
May 25, 2012
How Do You Like That — A Sports Columnist Who Writes About Youth Football in Plain English
May 25, 2012
‘Courts Must Toughen Sanctions Against USA Swimming’s Nose-Thumbing Tactics in Sex Abuse Litigation’ … today at Beyond Chron
May 25, 2012
How Do You Like That — A Sports Columnist Who Writes About Youth Football in Plain English
May 25, 2012

#WWE “is taking an..aggressive approach to ensure..accurate facts..about our..brand. This has absolutely nothing to do w/ politics” #CTSen
@capitolwatch [Chris] Powell [of Manchester Journal Inquirer] asked WWE flack to hold “deposition before the primary because I wanted to meet Trish.” Referring to Trish Stratus?
WWE hiring “temp public affairs manager.” We freelancers are perennially underemployed. Tweeple poll: Should I go for it? PG (Yes), R (No).

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick