Sources 2.0: Muchnick About to Announce Coverage of Linda McMahon’s 2012 Senate Campaign

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Author Irvin Muchnick is getting ready to scrutinize Linda McMahon’s new bid for a U.S. Senate seat in Connecticut, said several sources familiar with his plans.

But Muchnick’s coverage strategy will be markedly different this time.

The people more or less get the candidates and political leaders they deserve,” said one strategist. “In 2010, Connecticut got a centimillionaire CEO of a borderline-criminal junk entertainment company versus an establishment blowhard. The establishment blowhard won and proceeded to do essentially nothing about topical issues – independent contractor abuse and sports concussions – which arose during the campaign and helped elect him. Let’s see what this round brings.”

Expect to see more of “the real Irv” this time, the strategist said. Muchnick is rumored to have hired his six-year-old daughter as the general manager of his site. There will be no further reliance on slick SEO tag words or highly paid website design consultants. The most important task of Lia Fu Hao will be to brush her pretty hair all by herself every morning, thus freeing Muchnick for precious extra minutes of narcissistic blogging.

Our source did admit that efforts to unleash “the real Irv” might be hampered by a recent court injunction, secured by Muchnick’s other three children, which prohibits his shameless exploitation of them.

Rumors that Muchnick’s writings will “tack” away from pro wrestling are not true. The strategist said: “The roots of everything readers need to know about the sorry state of politics and culture in the late days of the American empire can be found in the wrestling story. Now – through investigation of such figures as Dr. Joseph Maroon, a consultant for both World Wrestling Entertainment and the National Football League – Irv has moved on to the national health crisis of widespread youth traumatic brain injury in hyper-commercialized ‘amateur’ sports, and the $10-billion-a-year NFL’s tobacco-industry-style accountability for it.”

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick