Beyond Beyond Chron: San Francisco Chronicle on the Concussion Case

‘Five Keys to the Upcoming NFL (Concussion) Season’ … today at Beyond Chron
August 1, 2011
New York Times’ Alan Schwarz Moves From Concussion Beat to National Education Reporter – Promotion or Exile?
August 2, 2011

I write a lot for Beyond Chron, whose raison d’être is ripping the San Francisco Chronicle. So I feel duty-bound to point out that the Chronicle, under sports editor Al Saracevic, has been a lot better than most on the concussion story.

See, for example, Saracevic’s July 22 column, “NFL players’ head injury case figures to grow,”

“In pro football’s stampede to make money and become America’s No. 1 sport,” he observes, “the safety and well-being of its players was ignored. That’s always been the case and it appears that the time has come for the NFL to pay.”


Irv Muchnick

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick