‘Sports Fans Coalition Working With Sen. Blumenthal on NFL TV Blackouts AND Concussions.’ Discuss.

‘NFL Fans Should Worry About More Than One Kind of “Blackout”‘ … today at Beyond Chron
July 26, 2011
Paging Dr. Richard Ellenbogen of NFLhealthandsafety.com
July 26, 2011
‘NFL Fans Should Worry About More Than One Kind of “Blackout”‘ … today at Beyond Chron
July 26, 2011
Paging Dr. Richard Ellenbogen of NFLhealthandsafety.com
July 26, 2011

Brian Frederick, executive director of the Sports Fans Coalition, says – though rather cryptically – that he is working with Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut on both National Football League television blackouts and the concussion issue.

For the last 24 hours Frederick has been rat-a-tatting me with Twitter @ replies to complain about my criticism of fans who are apathetic about football’s relationship with a public health crisis. This is the topic of my Beyond Chron column today.

When I asked Frederick for details on his intriguing insistence that he’s all over the concussion case like white on rice, he had nothing. He promised to communicate more “in due course,” after I had built his “trust” in me.

My Twitter exchange with Frederick was triggered by my response to a plug yesterday by former Blumenthal campaign staffer Brian Farnkoff of Frederick’s article last September in Huffington Post.

I am sending this post to both Frederick and Blumenthal spokeswoman Kate Hansen. I’ll let y’all know if and how the Sports Fans Coalition and the senator elaborate on their collaborative work on football concussions.


Irv Muchnick

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick