Connecticut Media Profiles in Caution on the WWE Independent Contractor Story

WWE Tries to Ring the Bell on Connecticut Labor Department Probe
May 26, 2011
Chris Nowinski, New York Times’ Alan Schwarz, and the Freakonomicization of Concussions
May 26, 2011
WWE Tries to Ring the Bell on Connecticut Labor Department Probe
May 26, 2011
Chris Nowinski, New York Times’ Alan Schwarz, and the Freakonomicization of Concussions
May 26, 2011

A prominent Connecticut journalist, in his wisdom, took the time to email me for the sole purpose of sniffing that my previous item on this blog was a “non-story.” For proof, he offered the analysis of James Caldwell of Pro Wrestling Torch (

$7,316 is a tiny drop in the bucket for WWE, so this won’t affect them. The state’s TV production tax credits to WWE over the past few years is about 1,000% larger than this fine.

The next step should be an investigation of WWE’s independent contractor classification, but that probably won’t happen after the Department of Labor went through a two-year audit that likely cost a whole lot more than the fine WWE will be paying. It would be difficult to justify a follow-up investigation despite evidence WWE does not meet the guidelines to classify wrestlers as independent contractors.

You can file this one — both the Caldwell observation and my esteemed correspondent’s exploitation of it — under “speaking platitudes to power.” If Linda McMahon takes another stab at a U.S. Senate seat next year, as expected, Governor Dan Malloy, Labor Commissioner Glenn Marshall, and others might get a little better focus on the independent contractor issue. But they won’t get much help from the public-spirited commentators of the Nutmeg State, who will be busy replaying the YouTube of Linda kicking wrestling announcer Jim Ross in the testicles.

Irv Muchnick

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick