“WWE’s Dr. Maroon belongs at center of Super Bowl week concussion conversation”
January 31, 2011Super Bowl Concussion Hype Week, Part 2: What’s the Deal with the NFL and the Journal Neurosurgery?
February 2, 2011
Sam Farmer, the NFL writer for the Los Angeles Times, offers a great example of the benighted coverage of the football concussion crisis by most of the media. See “New helmets should be a hit,” January 29, http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-nfl-equipment-20110130,0,5864830.story.
In what is basically a promo for Riddell helmets, Farmer doesn’t get around to mentioning that Riddell is currently under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission for allegedly exaggerating the safety claims in NFL-funded research at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, as published by the journal Neurosurgery in an article co-authored by Dr. Joseph Maroon, a doctor for both the Pittsburgh Steelers and World Wrestling Entertainment.
Asked for comment, Farmer emailed back, “Thanks for your information. Be well.”
NEXT: What’s the deal with the NFL and the journal Neurosurgery?
Irv Muchnick