‘Concussion Issue Reaches Critical Mass in American Culture and Politics’ … today at Beyond Chron

Thoughts on Mick Foley’s Interview on TSN’s ‘Off the Record’
November 11, 2010
“Muchnick says Blumenthal has ‘moral obligation’ to investigate sports concussions”
November 12, 2010
Thoughts on Mick Foley’s Interview on TSN’s ‘Off the Record’
November 11, 2010
“Muchnick says Blumenthal has ‘moral obligation’ to investigate sports concussions”
November 12, 2010

Have you seen the new TV commercial from Toyota about concussions in football? The car company brags that its research on crash safety has been turned over to the grand pooh-bahs of sports, where it now allow moms to watch their precious sons block and tackle on the gridiron with renewed confidence that the harm to them will be minimized.

When Madison Avenue jumps on the bandwagon, you know the parade is already well down the road. The year 2011 will be the one in which the American public and government confront the growing evidence of the public-health toll of violent collisions in sports and sports entertainment, and do something substantial about it. Perhaps not enough to satisfy the safety-first crowd and too much for the taste of consumers of our gladiatorial, bread-and-circuses popular culture – but something.

And to think, it’s all because of pro wrestling.

CONTINUED TODAY AT BEYOND CHRON, THE SAN FRANCISCO ONLINE NEWSPAPER, AT http://www.beyondchron.org/articles/Concussion_Issue_Reaches_Critical_Mass_in_American_Culture_and_Politics_8668.html

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick