Connecticut Columnist: ‘How Many Times Did Linda McMahon Go Bankrupt?’

Concussion Saga of a Backup Baseball Catcher
September 19, 2010
Dear Tina Brown: Will The Daily Beast Correct Its Inaccurate Account of Senate Candidate Linda McMahon’s 1976 Bankruptcy?
September 19, 2010
Concussion Saga of a Backup Baseball Catcher
September 19, 2010
Dear Tina Brown: Will The Daily Beast Correct Its Inaccurate Account of Senate Candidate Linda McMahon’s 1976 Bankruptcy?
September 19, 2010

David Collins, a columnist for The Day in New London, has picked up on Senate candidate Linda McMahon’s cock-and-bull story about her bankruptcy — or bankruptcies. See

Collins was, I believe, the first Connecticut journalist to raise questions about the original campaign narrative surrounding the 1976 bankruptcy filing by Linda and her husband Vince, the co-founders of World Wrestling Entertainment. Today’s piece follows the coverage on this blog of the laughable recent interview of Linda by Lloyd Grove of The Daily Beast, which either garbles her account or fuses it with or appends it to a story of the couple’s hard times in North Carolina and Maryland in the early years of their marriage, 1966-70.

“So which was it?” Collins writes. “Did the McMahons file for bankruptcy in Hartford or in Maryland? Or did they file in both places?” The columnist adds that messages to the McMahon campaign requesting clarification went unanswered, and “I also couldn’t reach Grove, to ask him whether he somehow misunderstood McMahon about filing for bankruptcy in Maryland.”


* “Has Linda McMahon Been Bankrupt TWICE? Or Is She Lying About the Circumstances?”,

* “My Exchange About Linda McMahon on Twitter With Lloyd Grove of The Daily Beast,”

* “More on Linda McMahon and the ‘1970s’ Bankruptcy (Bankruptcies?),”

* “Still More Grist for the Linda McMahon Bankruptcy Mill,”

* “Wow, That Lloyd Grove of The Daily Beast Sure Types Fast!”,

* “Will Connecticut Media Be a Day Late and a Dollar Short on Tall Tale of Linda McMahon Bankruptcy?”,

Irv Muchnick

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick