Linda McMahon’s ‘Media Sleeperhold’ … today at Beyond Chron

Canvassing the Senate Candidates on the Linda McMahon Memo
April 28, 2010
Tied for the Most Important Post in the History of My Blogs
April 29, 2010
Canvassing the Senate Candidates on the Linda McMahon Memo
April 28, 2010
Tied for the Most Important Post in the History of My Blogs
April 29, 2010

Connecticut’s Meg Whitman Clamps Media in Wrestling Sleeperhold

I’ve been arguing in this space for months that Californians interested in upending the gubernatorial ambitions of Meg Whitman would do well to study the petri dish that is the U.S. Senate race in Connecticut. World Wrestling Entertainment mogul Linda McMahon is spending $50 million of her own fortune there in an attempt to win the Republican nomination and then take the measure of Chris Dodd’s successor-in-waiting, Democratic state attorney general Richard Blumenthal.

Connecticut is much smaller than California and – if possible – even weirder. McMahon’s wall-to-wall TV advertising has portrayed a mother and grandmother, and one-time wannabe French teacher, who is a woman. And did I forget to mention that she is a woman?

That, her experience in what she has called “the very testosterone-loaded” wrestling business, and some blather about ending government deficits and “incentivizing” small business are the sum of her pitch. (WWE, a publicly traded corporation with market capitalization of around a billion dollars, has received millions of dollars in tax breaks at all levels.)

The newspapers of the Nutmeg State are so flummoxed by all this that they don’t seem to know an honest-to-God scoop even when they unearth one.


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