“This will make waves” — Review at Publishers Weekly

Flashback: 2015 Denver Post Op-Ed: ‘USA Swimming Reform Is a Job for Congress’
August 12, 2024
Coach Sexual Abuse Is a Far More Serious Olympic Sports Problem than Performance-Enhancing Drugs
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Flashback: 2015 Denver Post Op-Ed: ‘USA Swimming Reform Is a Job for Congress’
August 12, 2024
Coach Sexual Abuse Is a Far More Serious Olympic Sports Problem than Performance-Enhancing Drugs
August 14, 2024

“The stories of abuse survivors make clear that … underhanded dealings have long been unwritten policy at USA Swimming…. The subject matter makes for grim reading, but the abhorrent institutional wrongdoing Muchnick uncovers deserves to be widely known. This will make waves.” 



Irvin Muchnick’s book UNDERWATER: The Greed-Soaked Tale of Sexual Abuse in USA Swimming and Around the Globe will be published shortly by ECW Press (distributed by Simon & Schuster). Pre-order information is here.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick