Table of Contents of ‘UNDERWATER: The Greed-Soaked Tale of Sexual Abuse in USA Swimming and Around the Globe’

Where’s Waldo? USA Swimming and the U.S. Center for SafeSport at Loggerheads Over Who’s on the Hook for Damages
August 28, 2024
The FBI, Sexual Abuse, Swimming, and My New Book ‘UNDERWATER’
August 30, 2024
Where’s Waldo? USA Swimming and the U.S. Center for SafeSport at Loggerheads Over Who’s on the Hook for Damages
August 28, 2024
The FBI, Sexual Abuse, Swimming, and My New Book ‘UNDERWATER’
August 30, 2024



Links for ordering UNDERWATER from many online outlets are here.




Partial List of Characters in This Book


CHAPTER 1 The Public Eye

CHAPTER 2 The Rest of the Story

CHAPTER 3 Sarah Ehekircher

CHAPTER 4 Background of the Background Checks

CHAPTER 5 Death Becomes Them

CHAPTER 6 Welcome to the “United States Sports Insurance Company” . . . in Sunny Barbados

CHAPTER 7 David Berkoff Blasts Off— His Coaches Fade Away

CHAPTER 8 Michael Phelps’s Home Team

CHAPTER 9 Sex, Lies, and Alex Pussieldi

CHAPTER 10 Hall of Fame? Or Hall of Justice?

CHAPTER 11 About Paul Bergen

CHAPTER 12 Where the Bad Guys Go

CHAPTER 13 George Gibney — Most Notorious At-Large Sex Criminal in Sports History

CHAPTER 14 Gibney Slips Away Again

CHAPTER 15 Congressman Miller and Congresswoman Speier Backstroke from Controversy

CHAPTER 16 Gutter Spillover

CHAPTER 17 The New Solutions Were the Same as the Old Solutions

Acknowledgments and Notes

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick