‘Is the Federal Courts’ New “Judicial Integrity Officer” Even a Licensed Attorney?’ — Today at Salon

U.S. Olympic Committee’s Controversial Abuse Investigator Fails Upward — To the Federal Courts (full text from Salon)
May 19, 2021
Is the Federal Courts’ New ‘Judicial Integrity Officer’ Even a Licensed Attorney? (full text from Salon)
May 25, 2021
U.S. Olympic Committee’s Controversial Abuse Investigator Fails Upward — To the Federal Courts (full text from Salon)
May 19, 2021
Is the Federal Courts’ New ‘Judicial Integrity Officer’ Even a Licensed Attorney? (full text from Salon)
May 25, 2021

Sources say embattled sports investigator Michael Henry, now in a key federal court post, isn’t an actual lawyer


Earlier this month Salon reported some of the controversial history of Michael Henry, who was formerly either the legal affairs director orthe chief investigator forthe U.S. Center for SafeSport – effectively the U.S. Olympic Committee’s sexual abuse policing agency -and this year became overseer of abuse complaints in the federal courts under the title of “judicial integrity officer.”

More recently, multiple sources – including one inside the SafeSport office in Denver – have told Salon they don’t believe Henry is even a licensed attorney…. Henry’s murky credentials have been viewed as a laughingstock withinSafeSport and the U.S. Olympic movement. The possibility that the chief of integrity for the federal court system has afraudulent CV could well be amajor embarrassment for thejudicial branch of governmentas well.


continued at https://www.salon.com/2021/05/22/is-the-federal-courts-judicial-integrity-officer-even-a-licensed-attorney/

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