‘Top U.S. Sports Anti-Drug Official Was Involved in Covering Up Swimming Sex Scandals’ — Today at Salon

‘Sexual Abuse Cases Close in on Olympic Sports Organizations’ — Today at Beyond Chron
April 13, 2021
Sexual Abuse Cases Close in on Olympic Sports Organizations (full text from Beyond Chron)
April 18, 2021
‘Sexual Abuse Cases Close in on Olympic Sports Organizations’ — Today at Beyond Chron
April 13, 2021
Sexual Abuse Cases Close in on Olympic Sports Organizations (full text from Beyond Chron)
April 18, 2021

The celebrated head of the U.S. Olympic Committee agency that polices performance-enhancing drugs began his career in the Olympic bureaucracy as a lawyer managing investigations of claims of sexual abuse by coaches at USA Swimming – which is now the subject of a federal grand jury investigation targeting what critics of the organization call a generation of cover-ups.

Travis Tygart, chief executive officer of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, has something of a white-knight reputation in the sports world for his work in exposing the career-long drug violations of seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong. Tygart became director of legal affairs at USADA in 2002 and CEO in 2007.

continued today at Salon, https://www.salon.com/2021/04/15/top-us-sports-anti-drug-official-was-involved-in-covering-up-swimming-sex-scandals/

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