Relief at Last in Yet Another Irish School Abuse Story

‘The World Is Watching on George Gibney’ … at Ireland’s Broadsheet
February 5, 2021
George Gibney Is the Top Story of Sunday’s Colorado Springs Gazette
February 27, 2021
‘The World Is Watching on George Gibney’ … at Ireland’s Broadsheet
February 5, 2021
George Gibney Is the Top Story of Sunday’s Colorado Springs Gazette
February 27, 2021

A former rugby coach and assistant headmaster, John McClean, was sentenced to prison this week for his sexual abuse, across 17 years, of 23 boys at Dublin’s Terenure College. See

For one of the survivors, Damien Hetherington, justice was a while in the making. Forty-seven years, to be exact.

Damien, a taxi driver, has been a good friend of Concussion Inc. for years. Watch him in this spontaneous street interview with RTÉ News following the verdict. Like his entire life, it’s a model of sensible reflection and dignity.

I missed connections with Damien on my Irish trip in 2019, but I’m hoping to get back, and when I do, I look forward to joining him and his wife, from County Derry, for some bacon, cabbage and spuds.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick