Skeletal Remains at South Dublin’s Lissenfield Are Not Related to a Missing Young Person. But Details on the U.S. Investigation of George Gibney Continue to Develop.

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by Irvin Muchnick

While being careful to label the speculation for what it was, this site touted the mystery of a partial skeleton found three months ago off Rathmines Road in South Dublin.;

That potential lead turns out to be a dead end. The Garda, the Irish national police, last week announced that the remains have been identified as belonging to Stephen Corrigan, a mental patient who was in his late forties when he vanished in 2011. So it is not, after all, a young person who went missing — neither the highly publicized 13-year-old Philip Cairns from 1986, nor anyone else from his age group or period.

The finding is clear. I remain somewhat puzzled as to why the police ever promoted the theory that the bones belonged to someone under 20 years old. A spokesperson told me, “An Garda Síochána does not comment on third party materials.” By this, the spokesperson meant the several press reports to the effect that the discovery was believed to be a young person. These reports emanated from Garda sources. However, it is true that I have not been able to locate a direct quote to this effect from a police official.

Moving on, there is new information from America on the investigation of whether George Gibney, the disgraced rapist former Irish Olympic swimming coach, should be allowed to remain in the United States as a permanent resident alien, a decade after lying on his failed citizenship application to the question of whether he had ever been arrested in Ireland. (The correct answer would have been “yes.”)

More on this in the coming days.

THE GEORGE GIBNEY CHRONICLES: What the Hunt For the Most Notorious At-Large Sex Criminal in the History of Global Sports Has Told Us About the Sports Establishments and Governments on Two Continents — order the ebook at Amazon Kindle,, or get an emailed PDF copy by remitting US $3.49 via PayPal to [email protected].

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick