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‘New California Sexual Abuse Law Could Drown USA Swimming’ (full text from Beyond Chron)
October 23, 2019
Are the Colorado Attorney General’s Priest Abuse Investigators Sharing Notes With the Feds’ George Gibney Investigators? If Not, Why Not?
October 29, 2019
‘New California Sexual Abuse Law Could Drown USA Swimming’ (full text from Beyond Chron)
October 23, 2019
Are the Colorado Attorney General’s Priest Abuse Investigators Sharing Notes With the Feds’ George Gibney Investigators? If Not, Why Not?
October 29, 2019

Irvin Muchnick@irvmuch

There are four things we know about the status of the global sexual abuse scandals in swimming. Three have found their way into the major media water supply. The fourth has gone unreported in the U.S. except by yours truly. (cont.)

First thing we know about the state of global sexual abuse scandals in swimming: a federal grand jury investigation in New York of cover-ups and insurance fraud by USA Swimming — now reported by Orange County Register and Wall Street Journal. (cont.)

Second thing we know about the state of global sexual abuse scandals in swimming: California has enacted statute of limitations reform, opening the floodgates for lawsuits in the nation’s most populous and abuse-inflicted state. (cont.)

Third thing we know about state of global sexual abuse scandals in swimming: An important new lawsuit targets molestation of a 12-year-old by the head coach at Stockton Swim Club. The perp, a Japanese national, already pleaded guilty to the crime. (cont.)

Fourth and final thing we (should) know about the state of global sexual abuse scandals in swimming: Rapist former Irish Olympic coach George Gibney is in the sights of federal investigators. Unfortunately, so far only I am reporting this.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick