‘New California Sexual Abuse Law Could Drown USA Swimming’ — Today at Beyond Chron

USA Swimming’s Global Reckoning For a Generation of Sexual Abuse and Cover-Up Nudges Ever Closer With New California Statute of Limitations Law and New Litigation
October 20, 2019
‘New California Sexual Abuse Law Could Drown USA Swimming’ (full text from Beyond Chron)
October 23, 2019
USA Swimming’s Global Reckoning For a Generation of Sexual Abuse and Cover-Up Nudges Ever Closer With New California Statute of Limitations Law and New Litigation
October 20, 2019
‘New California Sexual Abuse Law Could Drown USA Swimming’ (full text from Beyond Chron)
October 23, 2019

Last year I told Beyond Chron readers how the outrage of widespread and enabled coach sexual abuse of kids in “national sport governing bodies,” under the auspices of the U.S. Olympic Committee, was about to explode aboveground at long last. (“Taekwondo Sexual Abuse Takes Olympic Sports Bodies into Human Trafficking and Class Action,” May 8, 2018.)

The process, which began with the implosion of USA Gymnastics, thanks to its molester doctor Larry Nassar, got a huge boost last week when California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law a more relaxed set of deadlines for the filing of lawsuits against institutions by victims of sexual abuse. Adults who have claims dating from when they were minors now have a period of time past age 40 – not 26, as it was under the previous statute.

The group most in the crosshairs as a result is the 400,000 youth athlete-strong USA Swimming, which almost certainly has the lion’s share of legacy abuse cases that were swept under the deck awning.

CONTINUED TODAY AT http://beyondchron.org/new-california-sexual-abuse-law-could-drown-usa-swimming/

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