Braeden Bradforth Anniversary Memorial on August 1

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A week from today will be the first anniversary of the exertional heat stroke death of New Jersey’s Braeden Bradforth at the end of his first day of football practice at Garden City Community College in Kansas. The case is headed for civil litigation. And a just world we also would be headed toward the criminal prosecution of the head coach at Garden City, Jeff Sims, who has taken his death-defying playbook over to a neighboring state, at Missouri Southern State University in Joplin.

On Thursday, August 1, Bradforth’s family and friends are holding a memorial under the tag line “WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE?” The event will be at 5 p.m. at the Pop Warner football field in Neptune, New Jersey.

The featured guest speaker will be Braeden’s head coach at Neptune High School, Tarig Holman, who had a brief National Football League career. Holman’s real claim to fame was his 1998 game as a defensive back for the University of Iowa, in which he twice intercepted Tom Brady, the University of Michigan quarterback. Brady, of course, has gone on to win six Super Bowls with the New England Patriots.

Complete chronological headline links to Concussion Inc.’s coverage of the Braeden Bradforth story are at

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