Here’s the Table of Contents of the Secret 141-Page Berkeley Campus Police Ted Agu Death Report ‘Binder’ We’re Seeking in California Court

Full Text of Our Court Filing Today Asking For Release of 141 Pages of Secret University of California-Berkeley Campus Police Reports on 2014 Ted Agu Football Conditioning Death
October 16, 2018
Seven Reasons Why a California Court Should Order Release of the Berkeley Campus Police’s 141 Pages of Reports and Supplements in the Ted Agu Football Conditioning Death
October 19, 2018
Full Text of Our Court Filing Today Asking For Release of 141 Pages of Secret University of California-Berkeley Campus Police Reports on 2014 Ted Agu Football Conditioning Death
October 16, 2018
Seven Reasons Why a California Court Should Order Release of the Berkeley Campus Police’s 141 Pages of Reports and Supplements in the Ted Agu Football Conditioning Death
October 19, 2018

In the declaration accompanying our motion in Alameda County Superior Court for the University of California Regents to produce 141 pages of Berkeley campus police reports, under the Public Records Act, I stated that I had acquired”what I was informed is the text of the table of contents of the 141 pages of University of California-Berkeley (“Cal”) campus police documents that are the subject of the dispute in this Motion. Submitted as Exhibit 9 is a document I typed containing this text. I believe that it is accurate, and my counsel has shared this information with Respondent’s counsel, who has not disputed its accuracy.”

Previously Concussion Inc. had published this content with names redacted. This is the unedited text of that apparent front sheet of what the university is calling a “binder” of documents:


A Initial UCPD report and supplements

B Supplement autopsy

C Miscellaneous supplements/documents

D Interview with Damon Harrington

E Interview with Michael Jones

F Interview with Austin Hinder

G Interview with Drake Whitehurst

H Interview with Daniel Lasco

I Interview with Joey Mhalic [sic]

J Interview with Michael Jones transcripts

K Interview with Robert Jackson transcripts

L Interview with Drake Whitehurst transcripts

M Interview with Damon Harrington transcripts#1

N Interview with Damon Harrington transcripts#2

O Interview with Austin Hinder

P Final autopsy report by Dr. Beaver

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