Craig Lord Shuts Down SwimVortex — And Stays Silent Over the Mystery ‘Documents’ That He Claimed Exonerate American Swimming Coaches Association Boss John Leonard in the George Gibney Cover-Up

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by Irvin Muchnick


SwimVortex, a website notable for impenetrably wordy arguments about the coach abuse issue and non-stop shilling for American Swimming Coaches Association executive director John Leonard, has pulled the plug after five years.

Editor Craig Lord posted a farewell letter to readers at The last of the three cited reasons for the closure is that swimming no longer lends itself “to telling the stories that can only be told by being there, watching, listening, hearing, interacting, getting to know the swimmers and their coaches and sometimes their parents and families, too – and then relating human stories stacked with challenge, struggle, humour, achievement and setback.” Got that?

SwimVortex takes to its grave Lord’s mushy claim on March 7 that “documents show” Leonard supplied “damning evidence” to a potential employer of George Gibney, the most notorious at-large sex criminal in global sports, who “took serious offence” at ASCA’s brave action.

Lord never clarified whether this might perhaps have been an American job subsequent to Gibney’s sacking at USA Swimming’s team in North Jeffco, Colorado. Nor did Lord say whether this “evidence” addressed how Gibney got to America and secured the North Jeffco position in the first place. Lord was gravely aggrieved by any suggestion that he had an obligation to do more than say, “I have in my hand documents …,” and squealed in an email to me: “I’m a journalist.”

Glad he cleared that up!




What American Swimming Coaches Association Boss John Leonard Is Now Saying About ASCA and George Gibney Doesn’t Add Up

Published March 9th, 2018

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick