Chris DeSantis: ‘SafeSport Needs Absolute Transparency’

While the World Watches, Sarah Ehekircher’s Case and Others Move Forward at the U.S. Center for SafeSport
March 28, 2018
Houston Chronicle’s Nose Is Growing on ‘Cutting For Space’ Explanation;  More Likely It’s Self-Censoring Article on U.S. Center for SafeSport Investigation of Local Coach and Accused Groomer-Abuser James Scott MacFarland
March 30, 2018
While the World Watches, Sarah Ehekircher’s Case and Others Move Forward at the U.S. Center for SafeSport
March 28, 2018
Houston Chronicle’s Nose Is Growing on ‘Cutting For Space’ Explanation;  More Likely It’s Self-Censoring Article on U.S. Center for SafeSport Investigation of Local Coach and Accused Groomer-Abuser James Scott MacFarland
March 30, 2018

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