Congratulations to SwimSwam on Picking Up Our MacFarland-Ehekircher Coverage —

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March 16, 2018
U.S. Center for SafeSport Must Carefully Shadow USA Swimming’s Disgraceful 2010 Hearing of Allegations Against James Scott MacFarland. First Stop: Pro-MacFarland Testimony From His Best Friend — ASCA Hall of Fame Coach Bob Gillett.
March 18, 2018
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March 16, 2018
U.S. Center for SafeSport Must Carefully Shadow USA Swimming’s Disgraceful 2010 Hearing of Allegations Against James Scott MacFarland. First Stop: Pro-MacFarland Testimony From His Best Friend — ASCA Hall of Fame Coach Bob Gillett.
March 18, 2018

— and adding a few new points of their own. See the just-published article linked below.

The piece notes: “When Ehekircher pressed [the U.S. Center for SafeSport] for why they had asked for the file for USA Swimming before she filed her report to the USOC, Kathleen Smith, a Senior Investigator at the USOC divulged that they had received another complaint on MacFarland that prompted them to request the USA Swimming file.”

I believe, but am not certain, that the trigger was simply Concussion Inc.’s request for comment from the center in response to our original story (which SwimSwam properly cites and links). This detail is academic, anyway, since Sarah Ehekircher went on to file a formal complaint, which is now in process.

Our story tomorrow will again press the open question of whether and how promptly and comprehensively USA Swimming complies with the U.S. Center’s request for records associated with the 2010 investigation and National Board of Review hearing of James Scott MacFarland.

Irv Muchnick

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick