Fugitive Coach Danny Chocron’s Lawyer Responds to Coverage of His Venezuelan Swimming Federation Sanction

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On November 21, the lawyer for Danny Chocron, the Venezuelan-born swimming coach who jumped $250,000 bail on multiple sex abuse charges in Florida and fled back to his native country in 2001, responded to our coverage of Chocron’s sanction in September by the Venezuelan swimming federation. This action followed Concussion Inc.’s reports and publication of USA Swimming’s dossier on him.

The statement by lawyer Alexis Aguirre is published in full below in Spanish, followed by an English translation.

Aguirre’s defense of Chocron does not address the coach’s underlying heinous crimes or his flight from justice. The lawyer merely massages the administrative procedures of the Venezuelan federation and challenges the idea that the sanction is significant in terms of Chocron’s future in that country’s aquatics industry. If Aguirre proves right on the latter point, it will not be good news for the youth swimmers of Venezuela.


Venezuela reconoce en su texto constitucional el derecho a réplica en el artículo 58 de la Constitución de 1999 y en tal razón es que venimos a exponer nuestro punto de vista.

Lo cierto es que el Sr. Simón Danny Chocrón fue sujeto de una investigación policial que concluyó con su arresto en la ciudad de Barcelona, España.

Sometido a juicio por el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, en julio del 2011 y en el marco del convenio de extradición vigente entre los EEUU de América y Venezuela, nuestro máximo tribunal le acordó a los EEUU de América un plazo de 6 meses para ser juzgado y condenado. La sentencia la puede consultar en original en http://historico.tsj.gob. ve/decisiones/scp/julio/304- 28711-2011-E2011-270.HTML

La falta de acción de los EEUU de América generó una sentencia de libertad plena que puede ser consultada en http://historico.tsj.gob. ve/decisiones/scp/diciembre/ 576-141211-2011-E11-270.HTML

En conclusión, para la justicia venezolana, Simón Daniel Chocrón se encuentra en libertad plena. Adjunto ambas sentencias.

Sin embargo, el Consejo de Honor de la Federación de Deportes Acuáticos de Venezuela, decidió someterlo a un proceso de inhabilitación, que a nuestro criterio es nulo de acuerdo a lo expuesto en el escrito de “descargos” que adjunto para su conocimiento.

El estatuto de FEVEDA establece que la suspensión es para optar al cargo de Presidente de una Asociación y visto que la decisión es posterior a su reelección, dicha suspensión (que será sometida a juicio proximamente) sólo le impide participar en las próximas elecciones y no es cierto que se le suspenda de la actividad deportiva.

De hecho, la decisión comete delitos de difamación al exponerlo públicamente por un hecho que para nuestra justicia no existió.

Lo cierto es que el propio presidente de FEVEDA ha amenazado vía “cell phone” a Simón Danny Chocrón. Adjunto los “capture” de dichas amenazas.

En conclusión, en los próximos días presentaremos la nulidad de la sanción de FEVEDA, esta no lo aleja del deporte, sólo le impide presentarse a elecciones, cosa que sucederá dentro de tres años, cuando la sanción de un año se haya extinto. Simón Danny Chocrón se encuentra en libertad plena por orden del TSJ y ha sido sujeto de amenazas presuntamente de parte del presidente de FEVEDA quien -presuntamente- ha impulsado esta campaña difamatoria.


[This translation is courtesy of Jonathan Little of the Saaed & Little law firm of Indianapolis. Little is one of the country’s leading advocates for victims of coach sex abuse.]

Venezuela recognizes in its constitutional text the right to reply in Article 58 of the Constitution of 1999 and that is why we come to present our point of view.

The truth is that Mr. Simón Danny Chocrón was the subject of a police investigation that concluded with his arrest in the city of Barcelona, “‹”‹Spain.

Subjected to trial by the Supreme Court of Justice, in July 2011 and within the framework of the extradition agreement in force between the US of America and Venezuela, our highest court agreed to the US of America a period of 6 months to be tried and condemned. The sentence can be consulted in original at http://historico.tsj.gob.ve/ decisiones/scp/julio/304- 28711-2011-E2011-270.HTML

The lack of action of the US of America generated a sentence of full freedom that can be consulted in http://historico.tsj.gob.ve/ decisiones/scp/december/576- 141211-2011-E11-270.HTML

In conclusion, for the Venezuelan justice, Simón Daniel Chocrón is in full freedom. I attach both sentences.

However, the Honors Council of the Federation of Aquatic Sports of Venezuela, decided to subject it to a process of disqualification, which in our opinion is void according to what is stated in the writing of “disclaimers” that I attach for your knowledge.

The FEVEDA Statute establishes that the suspension is for the position of President of an Association and since the decision is subsequent to his re-election, this suspension (which will be submitted to trial soon) only prevents him from participating in the next elections and is not true that he is suspended from sports activity.

In fact, the decision commits crimes of defamation by exposing him publicly for a fact that did not exist for our justice.

The truth is that the president of FEVEDA has threatened via “cell phone” to Simon Danny Chocrón. I attach the “capture” of said threats.

In conclusion, in the coming days we will present the nullity of the FEVEDA sanction, this does not keep him away from the sport, it only prevents him from running for election, which will happen within three years, when the sanction of one year has expired. Simón Danny Chocrón is at full liberty by order of the TSJ and has been the subject of threats allegedly on the part of the president of FEVEDA who – presumably – has promoted this defamatory campaign.

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