Diana Nyad in the New York Times: ‘My Life After Sexual Assault’

Key Takeaways From ‘Who Is Protecting George Gibney?’ at the Irish News Site Broadsheet
November 8, 2017
Diana Nyad’s Swimming Hall of Fame Coach and Molester Jack Nelson — Links to Concussion Inc.’s Coverage
November 9, 2017
Key Takeaways From ‘Who Is Protecting George Gibney?’ at the Irish News Site Broadsheet
November 8, 2017
Diana Nyad’s Swimming Hall of Fame Coach and Molester Jack Nelson — Links to Concussion Inc.’s Coverage
November 9, 2017

“Here I was, a strong-willed young athlete. There he was, a charismatic pillar of the community. But I’m the one who, all these many years later, at the age of 68, no matter how happy and together I may be, continues to deal with the rage and the shame that comes with being silenced….”


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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick