Minute Entry For Judge Breyer’s ‘Tentative’ Ruling on Release of George Gibney Immigration Records; Muchnick Again on RTE Radio’s ‘This Week’

Federal Judge to Issue ‘Tentative’ Order Signaling Partial Disclosure of George Gibney Immigration Files, As Both Sides Agree to Bring FOIA Case to Resolution
October 28, 2016
On RTE Radio’s ‘This Week’ in Ireland, Muchnick Discusses Judge Breyer’s Tentative Order to U.S. Government to Release Some of George Gibney’s Immigration File
October 30, 2016
Federal Judge to Issue ‘Tentative’ Order Signaling Partial Disclosure of George Gibney Immigration Files, As Both Sides Agree to Bring FOIA Case to Resolution
October 28, 2016
On RTE Radio’s ‘This Week’ in Ireland, Muchnick Discusses Judge Breyer’s Tentative Order to U.S. Government to Release Some of George Gibney’s Immigration File
October 30, 2016

Complete headline links to our series on George Gibney are at https://concussioninc.net/?p=10942.


by Irvin Muchnick


The United States District Court for the Northern District of California has published what is known as a minute entry summarizing Friday’s 49-minute hearing in which Judge Charles Breyer announced his intention to order the federal government to release additional material from the 20 remaining disputed documents in George Gibney’s immigration records. Breyer has been reviewing in camera these culminating papers in Concussion Inc.’s Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for the background on the 20-plus-year American odyssey of rapist former Irish Olympic swimming coach George Gibney.

The minute entry:


The Court WILL ISSUE a tentative ruling without prejudice at which point: 1) the in camera documents will be forwarded back to the defendant by the Court with explanation; 2) if defendant agrees with the Court, plaintiff will get agreed upon documents; 3) if PARTIES CONTINUE TO disagree, a formal Order will be issued.


For the second time in five weeks, I am scheduled to be interviewed about Gibney developments on Sunday’s This Week on RTE radio in Ireland. We’ll have the online link tomorrow.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick