Days Before FOIA Hearing on Rapist Irish Olympic Swim Coach Gibney’s American Immigration File, 500 March in Dublin on 30th Anniversary of Philip Cairns Disappearance

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Complete headline links to our series on George Gibney are at




by Irvin Muchnick

Those on the emotional scene at the Justice for Philip Cairns vigil and protest Sunday in Ireland call the event a success. The crowd was estimated at 500. “Some of those who attended are survivors of abuse, and I think this took the sentiment behind the day to a very important level,” organizer Gareth O’Callaghan, an Irish radio personality, told Concussion Inc.

Here is the coverage by the Irish Times:

On Friday, at the federal courthouse in San Francisco, our attorney Roy Gordet and the U.S. attorney will make oral arguments before District Court Judge Charles Breyer in our lawsuit seeking fuller release of the American immigration records, some dating back more than 20 years, of 1988 Irish Olympic swim coach George Gibney, the most-wanted at-large sex criminal in global sports.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick