Concussion Inc. Tells Judge Breyer We Believe Government’s Production of George Gibney Documents Is Inadequate

Reprint of Sunday Times of London Article: ‘Gardai Eased Gibney US Visa Application’
April 19, 2016
Congresswoman Speier Tells Ireland’s O’Sullivan She Is ‘Monitoring’ George Gibney FOIA Case
April 22, 2016
Reprint of Sunday Times of London Article: ‘Gardai Eased Gibney US Visa Application’
April 19, 2016
Congresswoman Speier Tells Ireland’s O’Sullivan She Is ‘Monitoring’ George Gibney FOIA Case
April 22, 2016

Complete headline links to our George Gibney series:


by Irvin Muchnick



A week after the federal government released a more detailed index of withheld records from rapist former Irish Olympic swimming coach George Gibney’s American immigration file — along with a number of actual, though heavily redacted, documents — procedural next steps are under way in Muchnick v. Department of Homeland Security.

On Wednesday, my attorney Roy S. Gordet moved for a conference with U.S. District Court Judge Charles Breyer to discuss “a variety of approaches for how the case could proceed at this juncture.”

In our court filing, Gordet also said, “Plaintiff has reviewed Defendant’s documents and believes that the supplemental production is inadequate and does not fully comply with the Court’s Order” of February 24.

One of the new revelations from the supplemental batch of Gibney records was the information that he received a U.S. swimming team’s job offer in connection with his 1992 application for the American visa that would allow him to flee, for more than 20 years, dozens of allegations of his sexual abuse of underage swimmers and others in Ireland. Concussion Inc. covered this aspect of the “Gibney Papers” at

Another revelation was the existence, also in connection with Gibney’s visa application, of a “certificate of character” from the Gardai, the Irish police. London’s Sunday Times covered this aspect at

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick