Lehigh County District Attorney’s Assertion Doesn’t Put to Rest Questions About the Unethical, Unprofessional 32-Year Jimmy ‘Superfly’ Snuka Murder Investigation

Exclusive: District Attorney Martin Was First Assistant D.A. When Jimmy Snuka Wasn’t Charged in 1983 (Another Teensy Fact the Allentown Morning Call Forgot)
October 2, 2015
More of Matt Chaney, Football’s Cassandra (Part 1)
October 3, 2015
Exclusive: District Attorney Martin Was First Assistant D.A. When Jimmy Snuka Wasn’t Charged in 1983 (Another Teensy Fact the Allentown Morning Call Forgot)
October 2, 2015
More of Matt Chaney, Football’s Cassandra (Part 1)
October 3, 2015

by Irvin Muchnick



As noted at the top of our earlier post this morning, Debbie J. Garlicki, executive aide to Lehigh County District Attorney James B. Martin, states that he “had no role” in the homicide investigation of Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka in 1983, which occurred during Martin’s time as first assistant D.A. under William Platt.

This is a construction I find dubious. Martin was Platt’s top assistant. So Martin had a role. Prima facie, as they say.

If Garlicki is trying to say that Martin did not attend the meeting on June 1, 1983, at which Snuka and WWE boss Vince McMahon successfully prevailed upon Platt not to press charges, that is an assertion of another and lower order. It may well be true, but it still doesn’t explain why the Allentown Morning Call‘s Adam Clark and Kevin Amerman didn’t use a handful of their allotted thousands of words to tell readers that Martin was first assistant D.A. from 1981 to 1986.

I emailed Clark, who is now with the Newark Star-Ledger. He hasn’t responded.

Based on this tidbit and the mountain of other evidence suppressed by the Morning Call — most notably that Detective Gerald Procanyn blatantly and brazenly lied to me about the Snuka investigation in 1992 — there is nothing to conclude except that the suddenly stopped, and only recently revived, investigation of Jimmy Snuka’s agency in Nancy Argentino’s death was highly unethical, highly unprofessional, and the tip of an iceberg of corruption in Lehigh Valley criminal justice.


The 2013 ebook, JUSTICE DENIED: The Untold Story of Nancy Argentino’s Death in Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka’s Hotel Room, annotates our original article and benefits a women’s shelter in Nancy’s memory. You can order the ebook for $2.99 on Amazon Kindle (http://amzn.com/B00CPTP6VM) or a PDF copy by email (send $2.99 via PayPal to [email protected]). One hundred percent of the proceeds are donated by the Argentino family, in Nancy’s memory, to the women’s shelter in development at the Salerno, Italy, church Centro Evangelical dei Fratelli.


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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick