‘US lawmakers urged to release Gibney ’s files’ — Sunday Times of London

USOC Admits ‘Frustration’ With Delayed Safe Sport Agency Start-Up
July 31, 2015
Reprint of Sunday Times Article on Irish Parliament’s Maureen O’Sullivan’s Letter Asking 107 American Congresswomen For Support in Getting to the Bottom of the George Gibney Story
August 3, 2015
USOC Admits ‘Frustration’ With Delayed Safe Sport Agency Start-Up
July 31, 2015
Reprint of Sunday Times Article on Irish Parliament’s Maureen O’Sullivan’s Letter Asking 107 American Congresswomen For Support in Getting to the Bottom of the George Gibney Story
August 3, 2015

“MAUREEN O’SULLIVAN, an independent TD, wants female members ofAmerica’s Senate and Congress to support a federal court petition to obtain the immigration file for George Gibney.

The former Irish national swimming coach has been living in Americasince 1995, since the Irish High Court ruled he should not be tried on27 charges of raping and assaulting underage swimmers because of atime delay since the alleged incidents.

O’Sullivan, a Dublin Central TD, has written to more than 100 Americanwomen politicians asking them to support Irvin Muchnick, a sportsjournalist who is challenging the Department of Homeland Securityunder the Freedom of Information Act for withholding 98 pages ofGibney’s 102-page immigration file.”


The above passage is the opening paragraphs of the story in today’sSunday Timesof London by Justine McCarthy. At this point the full text is accessible only to subscribers.

Complete chronological links to Concussion Inc.’s Gibney series are at https://concussioninc.net/?p=10205.


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