
December 7, 2009

Bruno Sammartino Most Prominent Name in Linda McMahon-Bashing Article

The Hill, a Washington political website, today has a piece headlined “McMahon’s rise puts wrestling’s dangerous history in the spotlight.” The link is http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/70969-mcmahons-rise-puts-wrestlings-dangerous-history-in-the-spotlight. Bruno Sammartino […]
December 7, 2009

Politico.com Throws Some Jabs at Linda McMahon

Politico.com’s anticipated article with ex-wrestlers talking about Linda McMahon is out: “Wrestlers lob past at McMahon,” http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1209/30316.html. For people who know a bit about the history […]
Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick