
May 13, 2009

ARCHIVE 3/30/08: My Kind of WrestleMania Note — Thank You to Andrea Adelson of the Orlando Sentinel

Readers of this blog know that a few weeks ago I ripped on Andrea Adelson and the Orlando Sentinel for what I thought was shallow, Chamber of Commerce coverage of WrestleMania 24. Now I would like to apologize. The body of Andrea’s recent series of articles adds up to the most thorough and thoughtful sustained coverage of pro wrestling ever seen in a major newspaper.
May 14, 2009

ARCHIVE 4/2/08: Blog technical note

Blog technical note Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008 It is obvious that the (free) online software that I’m using is not ready for prime time. Apologies for […]
Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick