
May 13, 2009

ARCHIVE 10/30/07: Vince McMahon & Joe Lieberman: Morality Play Tag-Team Partners

Sun-tzu, the great Chinese military theorist, is credited with a piece of advice that remains solid two and a half millennia later: “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” As Vince McMahon’s World Wrestling Entertainment draws heat from two Congressional committees, which are contemplating hearings on the scandal-plagued pro wrestling industry, the principle is well illustrated by the strange relationship between WWE and the moralistic senator from its home state, Joe Lieberman of Connecticut.
May 13, 2009

ARCHIVE 11/4/07: Vince McMahon, Mr. 400 Percent

It’s always amusing to see examples of how the BS of pro wrestling is ingrained into — indeed is interchangeable with — the BS of big business. In response to a local columnist’s published opinion that hosting next spring’s WrestleMania is a blight on the city of Orlando rather than an honor, in light of the recent revelations of the drug-and-death culture enabled by World Wrestling Entertainment, WWE chair Vince McMahon does a q-and-a with a badly overmatched Orlando Sentinel reporter.
May 13, 2009

ARCHIVE 11/7/07: Bret Hart’s Selective Steroid Commentary

At the end of my largely complimentary review of Bret Hart’s autobiography, Hitman, I made the point that Hart, who advocates a union for pro wrestlers, has not “stepped up to the plate” on the key current issue: outside regulation of the industry to curb the drug abuse that has claimed hundreds of lives.
May 13, 2009

ARCHIVE 11/10/07: How CNN Screwed Up With John Cena

The World Wrestling Entertainment website actually has the key element that my post of a few hours ago said would determine the magnitude of CNN’s gaffe in airing an out-of-context version of John Cena’s response to the question of whether he’s ever done steroids. That element is the unedited video of the entire CNN interview — not just the question-and-answer on Cena and steroids. The video is there at, and it establishes that CNN screwed up big-time.
Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick